Pissedpoet Pics - The Blog: June 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Over Pass

Shaw Boulevard over pass of the EDSA with Mandaluyong in the back ground.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another Escalator Shot

This one was taken whilst actually riding on the moving stairs.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Manila Traffic

Traffic on the EDSA, a ring road in metro Manila.

Friday, June 16, 2006


As my friend Davehahaha says "A wise Fiddler doesnt Fiddle on another Fiddler's Fiddle, ah Fiddle sticks." Not a 100% sure what he means, but I think it fits.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


One of the escaltors that lead up to the first floor of the Greenbelt. Makati Ave can be seen in the back ground.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Got this pic a few days ago whilst shopping in one of the bigger depatment stores in Makati City. I have 2 versions of it which I can't decide upon.
Which gentle reader do you prefer, A or B?



Thursday, June 08, 2006

In the Zone

In the zone is a term used by street photographers when they are tuned into their surroundings and the pictures are coming easily.

It isn't unique to street photography, it can happen in any field of endeavour. You are in the zone when you are so engrossed in an activity that space and time seem to stand still. What seems like minutes to you can be hours in the real world. It is that place where you are doing rather than thinking about doing, there is no thought about the how, it is just happening.

Intuition is in the driver's seat, training, knowledge, experience and rational thought are at the back of the bus. More than likely playing strip poker or engaged in some other childish pursuit.

It is the street photographer's nirvana. They are one with the street. They are part of and at the same time removed from the activity that is happening. They are the objective viewer of the dance they are dancing. Their presence is integral to the action and accepted by the other participants without influencing the proceedings. There are no photo faces; it's almost as if the photographer is invisible.

Canadian street photographer John Brownlow talks about going blank, he surveys the scene through his camera until he goes blank and that is when he presses the shutter.
With painting, writing or gaming being in the zone can last for considerable amounts of time, with street photography it tends to be fleeting, but can happen several times in a walk . It is the dynamic of the street, the ever changing kaleidoscope of activity, and the nature of photography, the captured moment in time, that make it so.

But it is in these moments that the inspirational pics happen. Although this is not apparent until later, when looking through the results of your walk, mainly because rational thought was losing their shirt at the back of the bus.

When a street photographer takes their camera for a walk, being in the zone this is their hoped for destination

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Samahang Everlasting

A Filipino folk art creation to celebrate Holy Week.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Silent Screamers II - In Your Face

A second gallery by the very talented expat American in England photographer, Terri Dow, has been added to the guest galleries at www.pissedpoet.com . Her work in the traditional street photography mode of black and white captures the Brits in all their glory. With a keen eye and subtle nuances in composition she brings to life the English character as they go about their daily life out side the walls of their domesticity.
Click on the www.pissedpoetpics.com link and follow the links to the guest galleries to see her latest offerings.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Jeepney Driver

I got to ride up front of this jeepney and caught this shot of our driver as he negoiated the traffic .